Congrats to Live my Life/TARP video - another win!

In the wake of this week's Fed dumping of more details behind its bailout and subsidization of the global banking community program, we got reminded that TARP was a tiny fraction of the aid inhaled by the banks that screwed us all to begin with. Indeed, as we knew and now see in more detail, the Fed was, and remains, the biggest bailout and least accountable (when it matters) engineer. The data dump re-underscores the unprecedented largesse granted to the US banking system in its hours of need, as opposed to the US general population. Another reason why we'd be better off without Bernanke.
But, there's some good news. My friends, Michael Cornell, Tracey Paleo and the rest of the talented, enthusiastic and dedicated team behind the Live My Live Video - just won ANOTHER award! - this time FIRST place in the music video category of the California Film Awards. Check out the video, if you haven't already.

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