Facebook/Protest Size Comparison for Egypt vs. US

There are many conflicting reports about the extent to which Facebook and Twitter, have been or not been blocked in Egypt. But whatever the exact situation, I found this comparison kind of interesting:
There are (depending on the source used) about 4 to 5 million Facebook users in Egypt, out of a population of approximately 78 million people, or somewhere between 5.1% to 6.4% of its population. There are reports that protestors are calling for a million person march - that would equate to 1.3% of the population, or 20-25% of the number of Facebook users.
In the US, there are approximately 147 million Facebook users, out of a population of 310 million people, or nearly 47.4% of the population. On a comparative basis in equivalent Facebook terms, that would mean that the size of Egypt's protest would translate to somewhere between 29 and 37 million people in the US.
Reader Comments (5)
I can assure you that FB was closed in EGP Friday night. That was when all my Egyptian friends suddenly "disappeard" i.e no new posts, after having posted very frequently about the then devolping protests the days before. On Saturday I could not reach them om mobile phones either.
Looking forward tou your comming interview, was in on Keiser Report?
Thanks for that information, Martin! Yeah, I posted the Keiser Report on my media links, I actually taped it with him last week, but it ran today.
One of the better places to clue in on what's occurring:
A global twitter spot concentrated in and around Egypt.
And yet another excellent site, of course:
hmm.... seems as though even with this tool, the revolts in america are not occurring. I wonder if the water is flouridated in Egypt? How many Tunisians do you think are on prozac and other ssri drugs? for fb to be used similarly in the uSofA, it would likely take some serious food inflation to (further) f*ck with the fella on the streed. .
oh wait.... according to zeroHedge, its already happening!
guess the facebook massive needs to come up with some demands, eh?
interesting times, indeed ;-}