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Special October 29th Black Tuesday anniversary e-book discount!

Special October 29th Black Tuesday anniversary e-book discount!

There’s been such a fantastic response to my novel, Black Tuesday in all its forms. In gratitude, and on behalf of Black Tuesday’s anniversary today, October 29th, there’ll be a special  Kindle/i-pad discounted price of $2.99!

Spread the love and the word!

Check out the video! Today & the period surrounding Black Tuesday, 1929 are not so different: the impact of Wall Street on our lives and those of generations past, as visceral.

Catch me talking about Black Tuesday on Tavis Smiley/NY-1 /Brian Lehrer/Fox/CSPAN-BookTV & other places!

We, in mind and soul, are both our past and futureTo repeat without learning is to move backwards.

The historical novelBlack Tuesday sizzles with the drama, romance and desperation of the Great Crash of 1929, eerily echoing our present times, as we stand at the brink of Great Depression II for similar reasons to those of the Great Depression that spanned much of the 1930s.

From the beleaguered immigrant community of the Lower East Side to the feral pit of Wall Street to the alluring glitter of Park Avenue, Black Tuesday reveals a world of crime, greed, obsession, economic devastation, and heroism in the face of great odds.  Black Tuesday tells the story of Leila Kahn, a young immigrant woman standing at the crossroads of her destiny and the country's, caught in an epic battle between her heart and her head, to expose the truth behind a sinister Wall Street empire, and its most notorious villain, before everything she knows is destroyed.

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