Egypt needs an Economic Revolution & the US can learn from it

I commend and support the Egyptian people in the wake of their uprising and President Hosni Mubarak's resignation. The evolution of their economy and how it is shaped to benefit Egypt's citizens is a crucial next step. How our economy should be shaped for the same is something we should learn how to do. For no leadership, no matter how it comes to power, can afford to ignore people's economic realities.
As I wrote in the New York Daily News today,
'Since the protests began in Egypt more than two weeks ago, culminating in President Hosni Mubarak's resignation, President Obama has waxed loftily about human freedoms, fair elections and democratic aspirations. But he has said next to nothing about the soul-destroying economic conditions of the Egyptian population.
If the Egyptian people are to emerge from this crisis without their hopes artificially inflated, only to be cruelly popped, they must get more than just a representative government. They must get a government that begins to honor the economic needs and ambitions of its people.
And while we're helping them reach that goal, we should realize: The United States has economic problems that - believe it or not - resemble Egypt's....
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