The Big Fix, BP oil-spill cover-up film, was a hit at Cannes

Amidst the glitz and glimmer of the global film industry members gathered in Cannes last week, the probing, outstanding film, The Big Fix focused on a very dirty issue - last year's Gulf oil spill and subsequent cover-up by oil industry power players and political collaborators. It received an enthusiastic 10-minute standing ovation.
The Big Fix stylishly follows other important, awareness-increasing cinema, such as the most recent Oscar winner, The Inside Job. It delves into the dangerous and deadly machinations surrounding the BP oil spill as well as those of the self-interested players, and examines the impact of finance and corporate maneuvers on our democracy and world.
I was fortunate enough to have spent time with The Big Fix's dedicated, compassionate, and wonderful filmmakers, Josh Tickell and Rebecca Harrell Tickell during the filming and feel honored to have been a part of it. The film includes a host of amazing contributers including Chris Hedges, David Korten, Bernie Sanders, John Perkins, Jean-Michel Cousteau, Jeff Goodell, and Dahr Jamail. It is produced by Peter Fonda, Maggie Wachsberger, and Tim Robbins.
Check out a clip.

Reader Comments (7)
Thanks for the heads up on this.
I've spent a lot of time fishing and swimming in the Gulf over the years.
This just makes me sick......
What I'm truly curious about, and possibly Ms. Prins knows this, but who actually is the majority owner of BP???
I've yet to hear anyone address this?
There must be some individual, company or pension fund which is the majority share holder???
Hey James - the UK Daily Telegraph did a study last year of the top ten - leading was Blackrock, I'm not sure to what extent it's changed since then.
The irony of all this is that former BP CEO Lord John Browne made process safety an afterthought years ago after his close friend Maurice Strong convinced him to re-brand British Petroleum as the supposed new environmentally friendly "Green" BP.
"Panel blames BP's neglect of 'process safety'; BP chief denies his departure is linked to the report."
Thanks for the response, Ms. Prins, although I wonder if shareholder size is always indicative of the actual owner???
But assuming Blackrock is still the majority owner of record, and Blackrock is the majority owner of Monsanto, and Bank of America, via its ownership of Merrill Lynch, by extension is the majority owner of Blackrock, it might appear that BoA is the majority owner of BP, and Monsanto???
Interesting lines of ownership, there???
Thanks again.
Oops? I should have naturally asked the next question.....who owns BofA????
Not to be too tedious, but I think connections are very important. A recent donation was withdrawn from a non-profit devoted to helping young women with video making skills for future employment in Seattle, Reel Grrls, because a tweet they had sent out was found to be critical by Comcast, who had originally made a donation to their summer camp.
Their tweet concerned the former FCC commissioner, Meredith Attwell Baker, who had found in favor of a Comcast deal, the was shortly later hired by Comcast. None of the stories noted that Meredith Attwell Baker is the daughter of James Baker, former advisor to President Geo. H.W. Bush, and later his secretary of state.
Baker also actually occupied an office in George W. Bush's White House after 9/11/01, in order to represent and defend Saudi Arabia against lawsuits directed at them.
These are important connections to know, I suspect?