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Power Inequality Dwarfs Income Inequality

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Reader Comments (2)

I like this post. So many names will come to mind as I'm reading this. The Koch brothers is the most obvious example.

I used to think that Warren Buffett was different, but even with him over time he has shown his true colors. Remaining quiet about the Robo-signing on mortgages at Wells Fargo (much less doing some "independent" auditing OF HIS OWN of the Wells Fargo loan department, which would be quite easy for a man of his education to do) . And his compliments thrown Jamie Dimon's way that Dimon can in essence "do no wrong". AND his P.R. stunt (virtually a bribe for putting his Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval on Goldman Sach's Credit Derivatives activity) of getting the high interest warrants from Goldman Sachs. It's easy to see where Buffett casts his lots as he has PHONY photo ops eating DQ ice cream, drinking cherry sodas, wearing the train engineers cap and his PHONY folksy humor BS and Grandpa giggle B-acting routine on CNBC.

Buffett used to be a hero of mine as a teenager. If I think about his BS too long I will get physically ill. Just a big POS is what that man is. A POS wolf in affable Grandpa clothes.

March 16, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterTed K

Yeah ummm, FYI were not a " democracy" were a Republic

March 17, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterFitz
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