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What Tomorrowland Says About How Our Goals Have Been Downsized

If Mad Men’s Don Draper were tasked with creating a vehicle to showcase the future, space, theme parks, youth and Coca-Cola, he would have produced, Tomorrowland. The movie is meant to open our hearts and minds to the possibilities that stem from feeding the optimistic ‘wolf’ within us, not the pessimistic one. All we need is hope. (And a place in which to be creative that is dimensions away from bureaucracy).

Tomorrowland is more about Walt Disney’s past vision of the future, with updated effects though, than it is about our current ability to invent a vastly different future from today. This is not a flaw of the filmmakers or the film, but a reflection of where we stand vs. where Disney and past ‘Imagineers’ thought we would be when Tomorrowland (and Disneyland) first opened, 60 years ago, this July.

The most prevalent new and modern innovations tend to be the kind funded by venture capitalists and big Wall Street IPOs, and are increasingly accessible through a Smartphone. They are simply less grand than the public-private accomplishments of the past in terms of novelty factor from a physical perspective. Constructing interstate highways to crisscross the country was a majestic feat. Reaching the moon was a dream for centuries that became a reality when Neil Armstrong took that giant leap for mankind in July, 1969.

Now, we can use millions of apps while barely moving our fingers. Compared to walking on the moon, that’s tiny stuff. Rather than compressing time and space across geographies, we compress time and the consumption of friendships, news, music and video clips. We are the product and the user in these relationships, thereby relinquishing our external point of view. Rather than gaze upward and outward in wonder as Galileo through recent generations awed by rocket launches did, we hunch our shoulders, and look downward and inward. The scale of our dreams and the types of innovations that garner the most current success in financial terms, have rendered ours a smaller world, more connected electronically, but on a reduced physical scale.

Space features prominently in Tomorrowland as it did for the Disney theme park area on which the film is based. The story opens with precocious optimist, Casey Newton (Britt Robertson), trying to halt the demolition of Pad 39 at the Kennedy Space Center, in a scene partially filmed at a NASA location. (NASA’s space shuttle program was dismantled in 2011.) The meaning here deserves closer inspection. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) itself was established in 1958 by President Dwight D. Eisenhower with a bend toward peaceful applications of space science, the kind of unity to which Tomorrowland and Tomorrowland aspires, albeit steeped in product placement.

As a boy, Frank (Thomas Robinson) visits the 1964 New York World’s Fair, where he presents his homemade (flawed) jetpack to an ornery scientist, David Nix (played by an excellent Hugh Laurie). There, Frank encounters a young ‘girl’ with big eyes, Athena (Raffey Cassidy), who tells him “I’m the future.” He follows her and Nix to the “It’s a Small World” ride that takes him through an inter-dimensional portal to a utopian city of gleaming inventions and intentions, where his jetpack works.

The first Tomorrowland opened when Disneyland did, on July 17, 1955 in Anaheim, CA. It represented the future in 1986. Like Disney films in later years, Tomorrowland and Disneyland showcased the future as partly a Walt Disney vision, and partly a vision developed by sponsoring corporations. Monsanto Company, American Motors (a General Motors competitor), Richfield Oil, and Dutch Boy Paint were among the firms exhibiting products there in the early years. The TWA Moonliner, a cornerstone of Tomorrowland, was itself a product placement championed by TWA’s Howard Hughes in partnership with Walt Disney. Autopia, an opening-day attraction, offered views of the future National Interstate Highway System. It remains the only attraction open since the start of Tomorrowland.

Charles Erwin Wilson, head of General Motors when President Eisenhower selected him as Secretary of Defense in January 1953 assisted in the planning of the Interstate Highway System that was authorized by the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act of 1956 on June 29, the year after Tomorrowland opened.

General Motors (GM) is promoting the new Chevrolet Volt in conjunction with Tomorrowland. It’s based on five concepts from the past. Firebird III, debuted at the 1959 Motorama. Firebird IV was an experimental car created to explore automatic highways and built for the 1964 New York World’s Fair. Aerodynamics, intrinsic to the Volt’s design, heavily influenced the Astro II first revealed at the 1968 New York Auto Show. Astro III was a two-passenger experimental car in 1969 fashioned as a jet. In 1987, Chevrolet built its Express concept as part of a government project regarding high-speed, limited access commuter roads for specialized vehicles.

GM has backed several attractions at Disney theme parks. It is currently a corporate sponsor for the Test Track attraction at Epcot in the Walt Disney World Resort. In addition, Shanghai General Motors and Shanghai Disney Resort just signed an agreement announcing a longer-term co-branding strategic alliance. As the resort’s official vehicle, the Chevrolet brand will have presence in Shanghai Disneyland.

According to Chevrolet, “At their core, Disney and Chevrolet are entities of optimism, believing that with a little ingenuity, anything is possible.“ The 2016 Chevrolet Volt and EN-V concepts feature throughout the film. “Tomorrowland is a place where nothing is impossible, which is something that Chevrolet believes can exist in the here and now,” said Tim Mahoney, vice president, Global Chevrolet.

GM isn’t the only big sponsor of Disney in the film. It ends with visions of youth in peace and harmony saving the world as in the iconic Coca-Cola commercial. Disneyland’s Tomorrowland Terrace with its hydraulically lifting concert stage and Disney World’s Tomorrowland Terrace Noodle Station, were sponsored by Coca-Cola from its opening in 1967 until Tomorrowland was redesigned in 1998.

Brad Bird and writer Damon Lindelof, used concepts in Tomorrowland from Space Mountain, Cinderella’s castle, Epcot’s Spaceship Earth, and more. But, It’s a Small World, the water-based ride emblematic of international peace has dual meaning, as a portal in the movie, and to the real past. The ride debuted at the 1964 New York World’s Fair on opening day, April 22 (a day that became Earth Day in 1970).

According to the 1965 Official Guide Book to the New York World’s Fair, it was “A salute to the children of the world.” Indeed, “Children of the World” was the ride’s working title. But upon Walt’s request, Robert B. and Richard M. Sherman wrote a song that could be “easily translated into many languages and be played as a round.” In the wake of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, “It’s a Small World (after all)” carried a message of global peace. Walt renamed the attraction after the song.

In Tomorrowland’s apocalyptic present day, Armageddon type predictions about the environment, war and disease threaten to destroy the planet. Newton is an optimistic dreamer. She and her robotic companion, Athena (Raffey Cassidy), travel to the home of the adult Walker (George Clooney), to enlist his help to get them back to Tomorrowland, which has ceased to function properly.

In the film, Casey, who “knows how things work”, does not scientifically solve the world-ending issue. Because the film is all about selling optimism, she saves the world by feeding the right wolf, instead.

The problem levied by Nix turns out to be one of negative messaging, a metaphor for feeding the wrong wolf. The Earth and its citizens careen towards destruction because they didn’t embrace better. The solution in the film (and its theme) is to alter the message, be positive and positive things will follow. That said, at the end, it’s the “robot” children that must find new earth children to exist in this utopia and re-invent, or re-imagine the world. To borrow from vintage Don Draper trying to rally his team and himself in season 8 episode 3, “I know we cannot be defeated, because there is an answer that will open the door. There is a way around this system. This is a test of our patience and commitment. One great idea can win someone over.”  Our minds are portals to our actions and imaginings.

Looking beyond the plot of Tomorrowland to what it conveys about discovery and creativity, serves a greater purpose than dissecting its box office gross. It provokes thought in the combined spirit of past inventors, imagineers, Walt Disney himself, and the optimists of today. The world is small, but our dreams can be big –  that’s a point worthy of expansion.

This article first appeared in Forbes.


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Reader Comments (2)

If this movie inspires young American children (or children of any geographic area), then I am all for that inspiration. Movies, books, music, paintings etc have this power, and I think it's a wonderful thing. Especially when people are young and haven't become jaded (YET).

However, I am kind of tired of this REVISIONIST HISTORY in regards to Walt Disney and his company. I'm wondering how much true imagination did Walt Disney have, as apposed to taking ownership of others' ideas and using a mouse ear rubber stamp to APPROPRIATE OTHERS' creativity. There are many who worked their fingers to the bone FOR A PITTANCE in the early years of Disney animation who might have less flattering things to say about the man.

Also the movie "Saving Mr. Banks" comes to mind. Was "Saving Mr. Banks" a good movie?? I must begrudgingly admit there were portions of the film I enjoyed. But as a "biographical" piece or something POSING as a documentary of a segment of a great female writer's life, how much connection with reality did it have?? Emma Thompson's character is nearly portrayed as cliche' bitter old maid. With very few likable traits (other than, "of course", what Walt Disney can exasperatingly yank out of her). Those who knew P.L. Travers say she was not the woman portrayed in the movie (this is NOT a criticism of Emma Thompson's acting, but rather, a criticism of how the real woman was falsely written to screenplay).

Maybe people would find Disney a more likable company if they spent more time portraying the REALITY of people WHO DO THE ACTUAL CREATING in a positive light, rather then creating the FANTASY MASQUERADE hero-worship of their founder and executive board.

May 31, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterTed K

Actually, I'm pretty sure this is what Disney's Tomorrowland is all about:

Great article, BTW!

June 5, 2015 | Unregistered Commentersgt_doom
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