Take the All the Presidents’ Bankers Quiz #1 (of 3) for free books or fun!

All the Presidents’ Bankers: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power: Quiz #1 (of 3)
Presidents Day February 17, 2014.
Test your knowledge of the past century of blood, family, intermarriage, protégé-mentorship and other ties connecting the White House and Wall Street, that form America's political-financial genealogy, power circle and most elite caste. The first five submissions of correct results will receive a free autographed copy of All the Presidents’ Bankers when it comes out. For consideration, please email your answers to nomi@nomiprins.com with the subject: APB Quiz 1. You can also do APB quiz #1 at: https://www.examtime.com/en-US/quizzes/553957/. Answers for APB Quiz #1 will be posted on March 1, 2014. Discuss or Enjoy!!!
All the Presidents' Bankers by Nomi Prins is available for pre-order online now, and out April 8, 2014. For more , see: http://www.nomiprins.com/presidents-bankers
1. Which president's father worked with which elite banker to form the prestigious Metropolitan Club in New York City?
a) Teddy Roosevelt's father and Junius Morgan
b) Calvin Coolidge's father and James Stillman
c) John F. Kennedy's father and John D. Rockefeller
d) Franklin Delano Roosevelt's father and John Pierpont Morgan
2. Which banker who would later chair a Big Six bank rented one of FDR's New York City townhouses during WWI?
a) Winthrop Aldrich from the Chase Bank (now part of JPM Chase)
b) James Stillman from the National City Bank (now part of Citigroup)
c) George Baker, Sr. from the First National Bank (now part of Citigroup)
d) Thomas Lamont from the Morgan Bank (now part of JPM Chase)
3. Which former Chase Chairman shared a fascination of puddle jumper planes with which president?
a) David Rockefeller and John F. Kennedy
b) John McCloy and Dwight D. Eisenhower
c) David Rockefeller and Harry Truman
d) John McCloy and Harry Truman
4. Which major banker from which bank worked most closely with FDR behind the scenes in Washington to pass the Glass- Steagall Act?
a) Jack Morgan (J.P. Morgan's son) from the Morgan Bank
b) James Perkins from National City Bank
c) Thomas Lamont from the Morgan Bank
d) Winthrop Aldrich from Chase
5. The father of which president was appointed as the first head of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC) by FDR in 1934 to police the banking industry?
a) Harry Truman
b) Gerald Ford
c) Lyndon B. Johnson
d) John F. Kennedy
6. Who was the first president to select a major Wall Street bank CEO as his Treasury Secretary?
a) Bill Clinton
b) George W. Bush
c) George H.W. Bush
d) Ronald Reagan
7. Which president appointed his son-in-law Treasury Secretary, and which banker that would later chair a Big Six bank, was appointed Assistant Treasury Secretary as a result?
a) Warren Harding and Albert Wiggin
b) Calvin Coolidge and Charles Mitchell
c) Teddy Roosevelt and William Potter
d) Woodrow Wilson and Russell Leffingwell
8. Which President's grandfather ran a bank that ultimately became one of the Big Six banks that helped finance his campaign?
a) George W. Bush
b) George H.W. Bush
c) Ronald Reagan
d) John F. Kennedy
9. Which banker briefly dated the sister of which president?
a) David Rockefeller and John F. Kennedy
b) John McCloy and John F. Kennedy
c) Gabriel Hauge and Harry Truman
d) David Rockefeller and Harry Truman
10. The Treasury Secretary of which president recently joined a financial firm founded by a banker whose uncle was appointed one of the first Fed governors by Woodrow Wilson in 1914?
a) Ronald Reagan
b) Barack Obama
c) Bill Clinton
d) George W. Bush